Friday, January 8, 2010

Kayden McLeod Presents: Deep Water Legends


Genre: Paranormal Science Fiction

Length (Word Count): 18K


E-PUBLISHER: Moongyspy Press

To Buy Kindle E-Book: CLICK HERE


Even a fairytale nightmare can come true, but will anyone believe it?


The ruling body of vampires have let loose their top Hunters to get back an artefact. Their mission: retrieve the Dragon Stone, exterminate the Rogue and rescue the innocent human witch. Once a mission has been sanctioned, there isn’t a way to go back. Fernando was a Council employee and researcher, who stumbled upon a document suggesting a whole other race existed out there somewhere. He was tired of getting laughed at for what he sincerely believed in. No matter what risk lay ahead of him, he would prove his findings real. For his time on earth was ticking. Daphne is a human witch, kidnapped by an eccentric vampire. Scared, trapped in the wilds of Mount Robson, knowing there is danger afoot, Daphne was at centre of it.


Fernando stopped too suddenly for Daphne to avoid tumbling into him. He winced when she rebounded off a tree. Great, another bruise he’d inflicted. When would this madness stop?

The Hunters were so close, and they had spared no expense for his account. He just wished he had more time to think it through, never counting on them finding him this fast.
He jerked her around to push her against a tree, careful not to hurt her, no matter what she thought. And he could read every petrified thought tumbling around in her too human brain. This singular fact among many upset his certainty.
Was there a mistake? No, it couldn’t be that. She had thebirthmark. Tthe one in the old Native drawings and legends Fernando had found among the fairytales. They’d been buried among so much his fellow councilmen kept in the underground chambers where he worked continuously.
Her heart pounded in his ears, though severely weakened because of his feeding. The labouring hurt to hear.
Intellectually, he knew aside from his bloodlust, the primary reason why Daphne feared him was because he kept himself apart from her in every way—explaining nothing. It had to be this way. There was no choice.

How many were there before me? Are there many women buried in these woods around us?


Trent Kinsey said...

I'm digging the new design...Love the new banner!

Kayden McLeod said...

Trent...Thank you! :)


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read you!

Kayden McLeod said...

Thank you so much Mahalia! I can't wait for it to come out!


Mindy said...

Your excerpt about Deep Water is MY favorite!
I LOVE paranormals with a dark twist.
I'm a new follower.

Mindy :)

Kayden McLeod said...

Hi Mindy!!!!!!

Why, thank you :) You have two enteries into the contest!

Good Luck...